蚂蚁4k-4k蓝光原盘高清4k下载(mayi4k.com)Uprising is a vivid and visceral three-part series for BBC One which examines three events from 1981: in January, the New Cross Fire which killed 13 Black teenagers; in March, Black People’s Action Day, which saw more than 20,000 people join the first organised mass protest by Black British people; and then the Brixton riots in April. The series reveals how these events intertwined in the early months of 1981, and how, in the process, race relations were defined for a generation. The New Cross Fire remains one of the biggest losses of life in a house fire in modern British history. What happened and how Britain responded is a story that has been waiting to be told in depth for 40 years. In the series, survivors and key participants give their account of the fire, the aftermath, the impact it had on the historic events of 1981 and the profound legacy it left behind.
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